miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2009



La palabra canción es usada para referirse a cualquier composición musical, incluyendo aquellas sin canto (sin embargo en los estilos musicales que son predominantemente vocales, una composición sin trozos cantados es a menudo nombrada instrumental). En la música clásica europea y en la música en general, el uso corriente de la palabra, es considerado incorrecto y "canción" solo puede ser usado para describir una composición para la voz humana.

Acontinuación se mostrará lal etra de una cancion para identificar una canción.

Titulo: without you
Autor: Mariah Carey

No i can't forget this evening or your face as you were leaving

but i guess that's just the way the story goes

you always smile, but in your eyes

your sorrow showsyes, it shows

no i can't forget tomorrow

when i think of all my sorrow

when i had you there but then i let you go

and now it's only fair that i should let you know

what you should know

I can't liveif living is without you

i can't live

i can't give anymore

i can't live

if living is without you

i can't give

i can't give anymore

Well, i can't forget this evening or your face as you were leaving

but i guess that's just the way the story goes

you always smile, but in your eyes

your sorrow shows

yes, it shows

I can't live

if living is without you

i can't live

i can't give anymore

i can't live

if living is without you

i can't givei can't give anymore

Activity I
What are the steps you have to follow in order to accomplish the following task?
a) Buscar en internet una canción que cumpla con las espectativas de la tarea a realizar.
b) Escucharla y ver si es la canción que estoy buscando asi como tambien leerla de manera general.
c) Leerla detenidamente y localizar las palabras e ideas principales de la canción.
d) Pasarla al blog para realizar la tarea correspondiente
Activity II
Do you know who sings it?
mariah carey
Read the lyric and state what the song is about.
se trata de una persona que le dice a su amor que no puede vivir sin el , no puede olvidar su cara su sonrisa, pero sabe que el también siente lo mismo.
Write five questions about the lyric.
Was she afraid?
what she remember about he?
what she dont forget it?
Did she look a smile on your face?
why she cant live ?


¿Sabes lo que es un cognado?

Son aquellos tèrminos con un mismo origen etimológico pero con distinta evolucion fonética. La semejanza de la palabra cognada induce a menudo a traducciones erroneas como son los falsos cognados por ejemplo: ingles _actually por actualmente aunque lo que significa es realmente.

A continuacion verás un texto que identificará con color rojo los cognados para tener un mejor ejemplo de estos.

The Future Is Wild
This show at a new time! Check out the NEXT EPISODE section above for the latest schedule information. Visit our Daily Schedule for additional show times. For a few adventurous kids, this imaginary world is now a reality. Thanks to C.G., an inhabitant from the seventh solar system, Ethan, Emily and Luis are propelled into the future to solve mysteries behind Earth's evolution while trying to survive extreme climates and hungry creatures.
While the audience gains insight into the creatures by hearing their thoughts filled with hope, fear and survival instinct, the young travelers rely on C.G.'s gadgets and their keen observation to understand how the animals evolved from present day Earth to its future form all the while dodging a variety of creatures from 5, 100 or 200 million years into Earth's future.


También contamos con un diccionario que te permitirá traducir las palabras que requieras y las las dudas que se te presenten respecto a la escritura del idioma inglés.




El lector antes de iniciar con una lectura requiere seguir con una serie de pasos que le facilitarán la comprensión del texto a leer,por ello acontinuación se citan los siguientes puntos:


A) Lectura Superficial .- Tiene como finalidad localizar algún tema de interés.
B) Lectura General.- Es lectura única que se hace de un texto, de principio a fin, para conocer su contenidoa grandes rasgos,
C) Lectura de Estudio.- Es más detallada y profunda ya que tiene la intención de captar los conceptos transmitidos.
D) Lectura con fines de investigación.- Es la más exhausta y analítica ya que pretende extraer la información que necesita el investigador para realizar su trabajo.

a) Iniciamos buscando la palabra a investigar el google en este caso song y una vez que las obtuvimos leimos rapidamente el titulo, primer parrafo y ultimo.

b) Elegimos el termino que mas nos convencio y leimos todo el texto para entender de manera general su significado.

c) Leimos de manera mas detallada el texto para identificar las ideas principales y entender el texto.

d) extraimos la informacion para subirla al blog con la finalidad de cumplir nuestro objetivo(tarea).


¿ Cual es la intención del texto ?

PERIODISTICO:brindar información sobre un suceso o tema de interes social que ocurre en el momento o relevante.

lLITERARIO: Brindar información que transmite sentimientos, emociones y valores sobre novelas, poesmas etc.

CIENTIFICO: Brindar informacion sobre investigaciones o experimentos .


En este apartado encontraras los diferentes tipos de texto los cuales serviran para identificar una lectura y asi mismo saber que tipo de información se brinda.


Lions are the only cats that live in groups, which are called prides. Prides are family units that may include up to three males, a dozen or so females, and their young. All of a pride's lionesses are related, and female cubs typically stay with the group as they age. Young males eventually leave and establish their own prides by taking over a group headed by another male.Only male lions boast manes, the impressive fringe of long hair that encircles their heads. Males defend the pride's territory, which may include some 100 square miles (259 square kilometers) of grasslands, scrub, or open woodlands. These intimidating animals mark the area with urine, roar menacingly to warn intruders, and chase off animals that encroach on their turf.Female lions are the pride's primary hunters. They often work together to prey upon antelopes, zebras,


The Montagues and Capulets are two rivalry families.They are involved in a family feud that goes back years before any of the members were born.Yet the feud still continues due to the fact that neither family is ready to forgive and forget the past. Even the townspeople are involved because the families do not keep the feud in the privacy of their own home but have been seen fighting in the public streets and displaying violence. They disrupt the peace of Verona and even Prince Escalus personally had to break up a fight, where the family members were heavily fined . They were also given a warning that another public fight could result in death. While this is occurring Romeo ,the main character, is getting over his last love, Rosaline, and was very upset. Juliet of the Capulet household has just been introduced to a wealthy young man , Paris, who her parents wish her to marry. Yet she does not love him.